Sunday, November 9, 2008

Words and More Words: it just gets better

Okay, I bet we have all noticed how many sexual puns and all that jazz are in this play. But i also particularly enjoyed the metaphor on page 60-61. Lysistrata is talking to the commissioner about the state of affairs comparing government to wool. This basically gives more information about the terrible situation Athens/Greece is in due to the war, which makes more sense as to why the women are abstaining from sex to stop all these problems. I think it tells a lot more about women though. Lysistrata says to "consider the city as fleece..first to the couch for scutching and plucking.. card citizens together in a single basket...lastly cull the colonies..then...spin a mighty bobbin of yarn." In this metaphor she discusses the common corruption of government due certain individuals and so take them out of posts and make rules right. Then she says to unify the people, give them stuff...and also allow trade between and gather colonies together so that the strength comes back to Athens. This plan demonstrates how women were just as intelligent as men and understood the politics of war and such... but because she compares the state to wool it can also demonstrate difference's in sexes as wool is a common household item that would seem normal for a woman to have at her disposal. So I wonder, if by using this metaphor she is just putting herself in place?

1 comment:

ShowTyme92 said...

this is really interesting bcuz wool is realli thick and warm... But Athens is in greece which is a hot country. and usually u might see gov't officals in the finest of silks. gud call bene