Sunday, November 16, 2008

Myrrhine and Kleonike

These two women are Lysistrata's backbone...I saw it sort of like the three musketeers since it was mainly Lysistrata, Kleonike, and Myrrhine and the two later women were quite different as the play progressed. Initially Kleonike and Myrrhine enter to here about the oath. It seems that Kleonike is closer to Lysistrata than Myrrhine, they are next door neighbors but also when she first enters she says "don't look so barbarous, baby; knitted brows just aren't your style," this very casual insult and conversation leaves the impression that they are quite close whereas with Myrrhine when she enters late, which can show that she does not think highly of these meetings or Lysistrata, she is belittled by Lysistrata who is appalled by her rudeness. Even so Myrrhine and Kleonike are the first to reject Lysistrata idea for the strike. They both exclaim the same thoughts...can't give it up... rather walk through fire...what if they beat us...Eventually they are persuaded. During the oath taking it can also be seen that Kleonike is closer to Lysistrata and more important to the cause as she is the one to take the oath whereas Myrrhine sits back and watches. When Lysistrata is attacked Kleonike is first to protect her and take out and archer and Myrrhine is second. This once again shows that Kleonike is higher ranking than Myrrhine in the friendship pyramid. However when Kinesias shows up Myrrhine shows how important she is when she is able to fend off her husband. Demonstrating the effectiveness of the oath. In my opinion Lysistrata values both women as assets to the cause but due to the ease of conversation she has with Kleonike I would she she values her friendship over the other.

1 comment:

Rose said...

i think we were kinda talking about this earlier in the week after one of the journals, but i definitely agree that Myrrhine and Kleonike and Lysistrata are like the three musketeers in keeping the sex strike going. but i also think that you are forgetting about Lampito. if it weren't for her, Myrrhine and Kleonike wouldn't have even agreed in the first place. she is another of the women that is keeping the strike going, and is also the connection to get the spartans to agree to peace as well.