Sunday, November 16, 2008

Comparing Between

I already related a theme of love between the books but since world lit is coming up I thought I should also look more at characters and such. When I thought about it, Lysistata is so different from the others we have read that finding a comparison was difficult. Firstly, the characters Brack and Kinesias jumped out at me. I think my impression regarding these two is their hopes of having control of the women around them for their own sexual purposes and may or may not give what they promise. For example Brack tries to be apart of the triangle with Hedda and Kinesias tries to persuade Myrrhine to lie with him. These men are very sex-driven and I think that's what made them stand out at me as similar and they each make promises to the women but Brack succeeds in getting the upperhand in the relationship but Myrrhine wins out and gets what she wants first. Secondly, when looking at Bernarda and Lysistrata one can see some similarities. The women look to them and have this idea of they must follow their orders. In Lysistrata's cause however I think it is more out of respect, whereas Bernarda frequently uses violence (hitting her daughters etc). However both women have a commanding presence and seem to have a plan and have the means at which to achieve there plan, but Bernarda is more cut off and unwilling to listen whereas Lysistrata seems to be more open and can translate new ideas/thoughts. These are the main similarities I saw between the characters...But I think there is also something to be said about the themes because all the plays deal with the differences between the men and women.

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